Life Lately With Author Kristy Nicolle- November 2020

Life Lately With Author Kristy Nicolle

November 2020



I have this issue with my author career and general life called chronic pain, so I thought I’d start doing these little update posts because so many people ask me how I juggle my health, writing, and running my author business without having some kind of mental/physical breakdown. The truth is, it’s not easy, and more often than not I DO end up having some kind of breakdown. November 2020 has been a prime example of this, with me having to be benched from author work for two whole weeks due to some serious health problems (I mean what else do you call over thirty shoulder dislocations in 2 weeks?). It’s frustrating as all hell, especially if you ask Mark, who will tell you I’m a total and complete nightmare when I can’t work. So, I thought I’d fill you guys in on what I’ve been doing for the last two weeks (besides pulling my goddamn hair out- it’s super long now too by the way and I need a haircut so bad- thank you lockdown!) So uh, without further rambling ado, I present… my life lately.




So, a few weeks ago I hit a wall both physically and mentally. I was dislocating multiple times daily, then consequently going into shock multiple times daily, and then this caused me to kind of spiral into serious anxiety because I was getting behind on all the work I wanted to do, including writing Violet Dawn on which I’m already behind, Blog Posts, Newsletters, Social Media Content, and of course revising those contracts I signed with Satan when I decided to become a writer and endure daily torment at the hand of my own imagination. Mark sat me down, (as usual, because I’m actually pretty terrible at calling a spade a spade and admitting I have become a walking zombie) and told me I needed to take a break so I could rest and heal without panicking about getting behind. So that’s kind of what decided that I’d be stepping back, (also Mark and Leeah threatened to start burning my jammies if I didn’t comply…)

So I spent the last 14 days with my arm in a brace, a sling, taped to hell and back, downing painkillers like skittles and trying to dissipate my mental energy, which as many writers not writing will tell you is enough to take down a psychic bull. I also set about trying not to give into my workaholism, which is harder than it sounds, because I’m ALWAYS thinking about work. To do this, I stepped back from social media and unplugged, because I think honestly watching other authors who can pump out several books a year more than I can, makes me crazy, not because of envy for others, but frustration with myself and my disease. The first three years of my publishing career were insane, with me publishing 1.5 million words in 36 months, but with my health getting worse in the last two years, I’ve had to slow down. To be clear… I am REALLY bad at this. I hate it. I do not like it. Not one bit. No sir. It makes me cranky, and frustrated, and I would totally punch things… except for the small fact that I can’t punch things these days without dislocating my shoulders. Anyhow, I knew I’d have to stay busy- which brings me to what I’ve been doing to pass the time…




Binge-watching The Walking Dead and Schitt’s Creek while actively avoiding The Mandolorian has been the name of my Netflix game. I love baby Yoda, but I have a panic attack if I have to wait a week between episodes because I worry something will happen to his little green beanness and I’ll be left wondering if he’s safe and snuggly for six torturous days… Mark finds this both adorable and annoying as hell, mainly because I won’t let him watch them without me, but I also bombard him with the latest Baby Yoda GIFS and memes every week. It’s an issue, but like most couples of seven years we somehow make it work… (This may be one of our most taxing Couple Issues… LOL!) I’ve also been re-watching The Walking Dead, which I abandoned around Season 8 because I didn’t find the story was engaging me enough to make me want to wait on the edge of my seat every week. However, as a binge-watch, I’ve been loving the later series, especially once Negan comes into the picture. I’d also forgotten how much I love Michonne and Carl, and how much Tara’s character drives me insane. Moo has been super enjoying watching these with me as well, as for some reason she loves the zombie noises. (Because that’s not creepy at all…)

New to me, and on Leeah’s recommendation I also recently started Schitt’s Creek. I’d had a terrible two days where I had a slipped rib and then dislocated my shoulder badly and needed to be in my sling. This meant I couldn’t hold my enormous paperback of To Sleep In A Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini, and I was bummed because I am so invested in this story and have been reading it like a madwoman (more on this later). Anyway, I needed a laugh, so Leeah was all like YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS so I took the leap and I’ve just finished season one (so far Moira Rose is my fave…) and also managed to get Mark hooked in the process. My sides hurt from laughing, but at least it’s not a dislocation.

Netflix and Chill

I loved all these titles without exception, which has made me only want to read more and more which probably led to my high book count for the month, but I want to personally recommend The Devil Aspect by Craig Russell and To Sleep In A Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini as my top two reads for the last month. Both are incredibly well written with characters that keep you guessing, despite being of such different genres. 




The last thing I want to talk about that I’ve gotten sort of addicted to during my time off is bullet journalling. It’s been an amazing creative outlet for me, as well as a practical one. I’ve been using it to track my pain and fatigue levels, writing ideas, future project ideas, dislocations, medications, and other symptoms from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It’s been a nice way to set my creativity free without having the added pressure of knowing it’s going to be published and has also really helped me keep a record of everything I’m going through. If you’re interested in Bullet Journalling and how I use it for both my creative writing and chronic pain, keep an eye on the blog as I’m planning on doing a post going into this in more detail.



I’m really glad that I took the time to heal and rest. Despite my resistance, I needed it, and I know I’m better for it too. (Don’t tell Mark I said he was right, okay?) 

I’m just as glad to be ready to head back into writing my books, poetry, and creating blog content for my readers. My dislocations have decreased by a large amount, and via rehab and daily walks I’ve also been working on my stamina and general fitness during my time off. Lockdown is almost over here in England, and I’m looking forward to not only being able to get my hair cut but also to get back to Aetheria and the characters I’ve missed.

I hope you’ve had a great November, and that you’re looking forward to the Holiday Season.

Stay Magical, 

Kristy Nicolle x