Posts tagged book review
Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

When I picked up the Midnight Library by Matt Haig, I was not quite sure what to expect. I got the hardback for Christmas, and had heard rave reviews on bookstagram, and yet somehow, I still was not sold. The idea seemed almost childish, too simple… or maybe I was just sick of hyped books not living up to my expectations. This one, however, did…

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The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden: My Review

I just want to start off by saying that this series has been undoubtedly my favourite of 2020, and I’ve read A LOT of books this year. (Thank you lockdown… at least you were good for my TBR if nothing else.) I haven’t read very many books based in Russian culture, an exeption being The Witches of St. Petersburg by Imogen Edward-Jones- a book which I also loved by the way.

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Why Stephanie Garber's Caraval is my latest obsession

As a fantasy author, I have a certain standard when it comes to reading books within my own genre, especially since the majority of endings I see coming a long way in advance. It’s an unfortunate by-product of crafting these kinds of stories, whereby you’re so used to the construction that you can see in books you’d rather not when playing the role of the reader and not the writer.

However, once in a while, a series comes along and takes my freaking breath away. Most recently, that series is Caraval, Legendary, and Finale by Stephanie Garber. The books have been generally well received, but I’d personally like to see them get even more press and more readers because they really are THAT GOOD.

Don’t believe me?

Here are the five reasons why I’m currently freaking obsessed with this series!

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Book of The Month- July - Restless Storm

Imagine losing everything you loved. Could you go on?

After her father’s death in an unexpected storm, Madeleine Core knew she needed to leave her home behind. The island of Crystal Cove, surrounded by the very element that killed her only family, reminded her too much of the things she lost. Not even one special person could convince her to stay. Now, two years later, a devastating phone call changes everything. 

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